Have You Thought About Your "Why" Lately?

Have you thought about your “why” lately?

WHY you entered the field you did.

WHY you became an entrepreneur.

WHY you decided to start multiple businesses.

When we start something, we usually have a purpose behind it.

Maybe it was you wanted to start a legacy for our family.

Maybe it was because you have a passion for helping people.

Maybe it was because you wanted to wanted to make an impact in the community.

Maybe it was because you wanted to have flexibility in your life.

Whatever it was, we know — along the way — it can be easy to lose sight of it. Struggles happen. Setbacks occur. Life changes come and go. Hard decisions have to be made. Outside influences come in and we start to become motivated by things other than our “why.”

It happens.

It’s why having a ThistleSea business coach in your corner can help — a neutral party who can ask you the right questions to help you determine if you are keeping your why at the forefront of your decision-making and applying best practices.

Your “why” fueled you to start, it should be the purpose that keeps your foot on the gas.

Let’s get you moving in the right direction again.